Returns & Cancellations
In order to process your return as quick as possible we kindly ask you to submit your return request using the contact form below, please enter "Return request / [ Your Order number ]" in the comment section.
Once we have successfully received your return request within the proper timeframe of 14 days after delivery of your order, you will automatically receive confirmation of your request in your mailbox.
In our confirmation mail you will find a few simple steps as guideline on how to proceed with the return of your purchase.
On the same date that you received confirmation from us on successfully receiving your return request, your 14 day period will activate. On that point it is up to you to make sure that the item needs to come back to us within these 14 days.
Don't worry, we know from experience that in some specific cases, depending on your location, country & region, the shipping time of the shipment can exceed 14 days. We will of course take this into account and your right to cancellation will remain valid, in which case we will grant you a special extension or this deadline. Please do keep in mind that our team may ask you to provide proof, in the likes of a shipping receipt, to substantiate that you have made the proper and fair effort to return your item to us on time.
Once your returned order has successfully arrived at our warehouse, we will process your return as soon as possible, but no later than 14 days. The returned item(s) will undergo a few standard checks for new condition, completeness & degree of use.
We trust you have treated our product with proper love and care, and once that checks out, within 14 days after your return arrived back at our warehouse we will issue full a re-fund of your purchase, thus finalising the cancellation of your order.
For all mandatory conditions regarding the return of your order,
please advice our "Return Policy" by clicking the button below.
Submit your return request
External sales platform note
With respect to our sales activities on partner platforms, be it in auctions, distribution channels, or any other consumer sales platforms, the terms & conditions as specified above and as stipulated in our return policy, will be applied and will unconditionally be enforced by us, non regarding the rules and terms as determined by the platform.